Kia Ora,
At UP International College we want you to succeed academically. Our objective is to help you learn as much as possible in the time available so you achieve your goals and move on to further study.
As I write this, I am aware that a number of our students are offshore and online. Thank you for joining us and placing your trust in us to help you achieve your goal. We are a mobile technology Campus with many years of experience using technology in assisting students to learn – we encourage the use of electronic mobile devices for learning in class and out of class. For this to work well, we need you to be a responsible user of that technology.
Our Blackboard learning resources are extensive and designed specifically for you in Foundation. We have many years of experience using technology in assisting students to learn.
Sections of this Handbook are relevant for students who are on Campus rather than studying online. Certain sections may not be relevant for some students as their course progresses.
Remember that English goes on outside the classroom as well, so for those of you in Auckland or Wellington, make the most of your stay. Use every opportunity to read, write, listen and speak in English as this will undoubtedly make your learning at a tertiary level easier and more enjoyable. I strongly encourage you to make the campus an English-only zone as much as possible.
At UP International College New Zealand, we have a passion for education. The values of UP International College New Zealand are underpinned by a commitment to see our students succeed in every facet of their lives. This Handbook is designed to focus on life at the college and provide answers to a range of questions you might have about what you need to do, not only at the start of the course but throughout the year. UP International College New Zealand has agreed to observe and be bound by Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021.
We have many people who can help you if you don’t know what to do. Check the Handbook first to find an answer, but if you are not certain about something, please ask a member of staff. If they cannot help you directly, they will find someone who can.
Best wishes with your studies and work hard!
Yours sincerely
Craig Jones
CEO – University Partnerships and Australia
UP International College New Zealand