
Withdrawal and Refund Policy

Refund is not applicable if withdrawal is received less than 1 month prior to course commencement.

If you still wish to apply, please write to with the reason for your request of a refund, as it will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Please refer to the Contract of Enrolment for more details

Stand-Down, Suspension Exclusion and Expulsion Policy

There will be occasions when a student’s ongoing unacceptable behaviour or instances of gross misconduct require the College to consider whether the student should be stood down, suspended, or excluded from attending the College.

UP International College New Zealand must balance the interests of the student against the rights of others to safety, pleasant working and learning environment as well as the ability of the College to manage and engage with the student in a way that ensures the rights of others are not compromised or put at risk.

Please refer to the Stand-Down, Suspension Exclusion and Explusion Policy