Assessment Procedures

Internal Assessments are a regular part of every subject. All internal assessments are marked in a timely manner and students given the opportunity to review the marking of the assessment.

  • Marks are entered into Blackboard Grade Centre when they have been checked.
  • Students have 48 hours from the period the assessment is checked to view the mark on the Blackboard to confirm it is the correct mark.
  • After 48 hours from the assessment being checked, UP International College New Zealand will assume that the marks are correct, and no other communication will be entered into.


Requesting a review of an internal assessment

  1. The student must ask their class teacher to review the assessment mark, within 24 hours of receiving the result.
  2. The teacher must respond to this request within 24 hours.
  3. If the student is unsatisfied with the teacher’s review, the student must apply in writing to the Head of College within 24 hours (1 school day) of receiving detailed feedback on the result from the subject teacher.
  4. The Head of College will advise the student of the outcome within 48 hours (2 school days) of receiving the Appeal Form.


If a student is unable to meet this timeframe for any reason, they must contact the Head of College to explain the circumstances