Collaborating and Plagiarism
Collaborating means working with one or more other people. In some cases a student’s assessed work will be collaboration of work between students and this will be acceptable. However, in a number of assessments students will be expected to work by themselves. To collaborate in these situations, would be cheating and a student would be at risk of earning zero marks for the work.
Plagiarism and Improper Collaboration
Plagiarism is a serious form of academic misconduct. Plagiarism is copying from someone else’s work without acknowledgement. The original could be a published source, a computer source or another student’s work. Plagiarism is unacceptable and will be dealt with seriously. This may result in a loss of marks.
Another type of academic misconduct is improper collaboration. Improper collaboration occurs when students consult with others about individual assessments (i.e. a non-group assessment). This can be considered as cheating and a student would be at risk of getting zero marks for such work.