When a student is causing concern with ongoing poor behaviour/ongoing poor attendance or failing to comply with the College Code of Conduct and Procedures, a Dean/Senior Leader will contact the student. If the problem persists, a warning may be given.
Discipline Warnings
There are several levels of disciplinary warnings dependent upon the nature of the offence and/or the students discipline history.
The discipline process at UP International College New Zealand is outlined below:
Auckland Campus
- A First Written Warning from the Dean
- A Second Written Warning from the Head of College
- A Third and Final Written Warning from the Director of Opertations
Wellington Campus
- A First Written Warning from the Dean
- A Second Written Warning from the Dean
- A Third and Final Written Warning from the Head of College
Homestay and Cheating the following will apply:
Auckland Campus & Wellington Campus
- A First Written Warning from Head of College
- A Second and Final Written Warning from the Director of Operations
If a student’s behaviour continues to be unsatisfactory, the Executive Principal will have the option to suspend the student and refer the student to the Disciplinary Committee to formally consider the case and decide whether or not to excluded/expel the student.
Note: parents and agent will be notified