UPIC ensures that international learners are safe and appropriately supervised in their accommodation and effectively communicate with the parents or legal guardian of learners under 18 years.
UPIC requires all international students under 18 to live with parents or legal guardians, or with approved residential caregivers.
UPIC ensures that a plan is in place for the transfer care of the learner from the residential caregiver to the learner’s parent or legal guardian, or another person approved by the parent or legal guardian, for:
- each transfer that occurs during the period of enrolment; and
- the transfer that occurs at the end of enrolment;
The parent or legal guardian is notified of each transfer plan.
UPIC maintains effective communications with the parents, legal guardian, or residential caregivers of international tertiary learners concerning their wellbeing and progress in study;
UPIC ensures that at least one staff member is designated to proactively monitor and address any concerns about international learners under 18 years;
UPIC also ensures that, where appropriate, it obtains the written agreement of the parent or legal guardian of an international tertiary learner under 18 years with respect to decisions affecting the learner.